Affordable wedding planning in Miami, Florida. We also specialize in designing unique wedding favors and wedding websites. Visit our website and use our free tools for weddings.
Visited 704 times, 1 Visit today
Affordable wedding planning in Miami, Florida. We also specialize in designing unique wedding favors and wedding websites. Visit our website and use our free tools for weddings.
Visited 704 times, 1 Visit today
Posted in Florida
Having a small affair or a wedding extravaganza? Our experienced coordinator can help you plan the wedding of a lifetime! Special nondenominational ceremonies performed at the location of your choice. Read more…
Whether you are planning a full-event wedding or just an intimate destination wedding in Orlando, we guarantee you “An Affair to Remember.” There are numerous packages to choose from and for full-event weddings, you will have two coordinators at your disposal. Read more…